Trolley Capacity: 10 Ton
Beam Flange Width (min-max): 4-3/4″ – 8″
2800 Grays Ferry Ave., Philadelphia PA 19146 / 4171 US-130 South, Edgewater Park NJ 08010
Trolley Capacity: 10 Ton
Beam Flange Width (min-max): 4-3/4″ – 8″
Beam Clamp Roller: 2″ – 24″ Pipe & 2,500 lb. Capacity
Hevi-Haul Skate has a 12 ton capacity (24,000 lb.) and utilizes four 3-1/4″ steel rollers and four 3-1/2″ steel rollers. This versatile material handler features a planed hardwood deck and tilt-roller design for maximum maneuverability. This skate is ideal for moving pedestal base machines, paper rolls, drums, etc.
10 Ga. Steel / 7 Ga. Base
Welded watertight, versatile hoppers are excellent for handling heavy, bulky scrap, in-process materials, castings, wood and metal chips, recyclables and sludge.
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