Complete Penetrator with Cart
The Industries’ First Lightweight And Fully Portable Mobile Fall Protection Device
When a fall occurs, the powerful penetrating spikes engage, piercing into the roof insulation and metal decking, thus creating a safe, secure anchor. For use on most substrates, the Penetrator has been tested for use on Built-Up, TPO, ISO, PVC, EPDM, and other standard materials that are part of a finished roof system. The Penetrator is reusable and offers the lightest mobile fall protection system available on the market today. Gross weight of Penetrator, ballasts and cart is 515 lbs. Features locking steering column, flat free tires, while providing mobile fall protection, in addition to accommodating up to 2000 lbs. of materials (gross weight). The Penetrator is compliant with OSHA Fall Protection Regulation 1926.502.
NOTE: Not for use on concrete surfaces.
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