- Motor: R1721
- Amps / Volts: 20A / 115V
- No Load RPM: 450 / 900
- Max Bit Capacity: 12″
- Column Length: 39.4″
- Weight: 42.3 lb.
2800 Grays Ferry Ave., Philadelphia PA 19146 / 4171 US-130 South, Edgewater Park NJ 08010
Shibuya TS-252
74 HP / 55 kW Tier 4 Final, Kohler Engine
The innovative technology of the Ride-on Trowel CRT60X features a powerful hydraulic drive system optimized for delayed panning and high friction applications. The patented computer controller constantly monitors the engine speed and adjusts the hydraulic load at the same time. The power steering via joysticks enables accurate maneuvering and virtually fatigue-free working. The patented hydraulic wheel kit makes it possible to change float pans or blades easily without the need of a crane or fork lift.
This pump is great for applications where you have a smooth surface and your drilling with a core bit 6″ and under. By using this method you eliminate anchoring.
Air-Cooled Two-Cylinder Four-Cycle Gasoline Honda Engine
The CRT36, 36-inch, ride-on trowel line offers quality results, high productivity and operator comfort. One person can easily and simply raise and lower the integrated wheel set from one jack at the rear of machine allowing easy maneuverability around the job site. During troweling, the wheel kit does not block the operator’s line of sight.
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